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09-16-13 Library Commission Minutes
Library Board
Town of East Hartford
Minutes of Regular meeting
Monday September 16, 2013
Raymond Library – Lions Rooms – 840 Main St

Present: Rose Tavtigian; Mary Mourey; Florence Schroeter; Debra Arrieta; Gloria    Visgilio-Lupi; Todney Harris; Susan Hansen (Library Director); Charles Casella
Absent: Anthony Foran, Seraphina Pelletier

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.

Welcome: The Board welcomed the new Library Director, Susan Hansen.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the June 17, 2013 meeting were approved.

Librarian’s Report:
  •   Susan noted that she was honored and pleased to have been appointed as Library Director. She indicated that the existing staff was very helpful to her and that she looked forward to working with them to improve library services for the community.
  •  Susan noted the strengths and weaknesses of the East Hartford Library System as reported in the Connecticut State Library report for fiscal year 2012 as found in “Connecticut Public Libraries: A Statistical Profile.” Excerpts from the profile were reviewed by Board members.
  •  Susan noted that Katherine LeGeyt has been hired as the Assistant Director, Jason Pannone has been hired as Reference Librarian/Cultural Assets Manager, and Elizabeth Morin was hired as the Administrative Assistant. Susan also noted that interviews to fill the vacant Children’s/Teen Librarian position will begin soon.
  •  Susan shared her Annual Work plan for 2013-14. Major elements are: Prepare for move to East Hartford Community Cultural Center, promote early childhood and family literacy, create a full line of bookmobile services, support the “Common Core Standards” for education, offer staff technology opportunities using “Edge Initiative” benchmarks, and market library resources through social media sources.
  •  Susan noted that new systems and controls have been initiated and that the “unattended child” policy has been updated to reflect state statutes.
Chairman’s Report:
  •   The plans for the library addition received final approval from the
town and the request for bids was released on August 27, 2013. Bids will be opened on October 1, 2013.
  •  The Corporation Counsel in response to a request has, upon careful consideration of the Town Charter and Ordinances, suggested that we use the term “Library Board”.
  •  Board Committees should begin to schedule meetings.
  • Facilities & Services: Debra, Florence, Charlie
  • Collections: Gloria, Florence, Tony
  • Budget & Capital Planning: Rose, Tony, Charlie
Old Business: The Board remains without a secretary. Todney Harris volunteered to fill the secretary vacancy on an interim basis.

New Business:
  •   The Annual Report, a collaboration between the Board and the Director, is due November 1, 2013. Board members were asked to contribute.
  •  The Annual Budget will be due in December. The Budget and Capital Planning Committee will collaborate with the Director.
  •  The Board meeting in November may be held at the Cultural Community Center.
Opportunity for Citizens to Speak:   None

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.